Next Gig:


The 5th anniversary of BITC!


Download our first EP Born Into The Cold for free!

What you`ve just missed:


For all of you that have missed last night or who want to recall it, we have the following:

February flakes bring marching stakes


During the last 2 months we've been practising and rehearsing and thinking about how to put this...We've come to a conclusion:
We'd like to introduce Michael as our new gripping man on the guitars. Also we'd like You to meet Marius as our brand new session drummer (until all issues are clear).
We are really looking forward to play some gigs in late summer/autumn this year, if all works well.

Stay tuned.

It's on!


Hopefully it was worth all the waiting: Our first album Firm lies in our hands now and is ready to get ordered. For only 8 Euro plus 2 Euro shipping you may feed your audio system with our first born. Grab your keyboard and send us an e-mail at or at our MySpace account.

As a small extra we have uploaded our songs THEM AS WELL, YEAR AND A DAY, DIALOGUE, POLTERTHEIST and FIRM to our MySpace site.

Have fun listening to the songs, we are really looking forward to your e-mails.

Not a bit...


...of our new and first album Firm we would ever want to hide from You. So we decided to give you all remaining information like the cover artwork and the correctly listed tracks: Firm
1. Them As Well (The Gate Part II)
2. Inhaling The Sulphurous Gust
3. Summoning The Poltertheists
4. Dialogue
5. Year And A Day
6. Intermission: The Firm
7. Poltertheist
8. Firm
Additionally You have the chance to prelisten to Inhaling The Sulphurous Gust here and here, over one week before we're going to release our beast!

Have fun listening and see You tomorrow!



Unfortunately we have to announce, that - with regard to one of our bandmember's health - we have canceled the gig @ Chaostraum Open Air on 22nd of August 2009. We're really sorry for that and thank You for Your understanding.

Meanwhile the preparation for the release of our first album goes on. We hope You'll be hearing some news, soon.



On today's saturday, may the 2nd, 2009 it goes on to another location: Invasion in the "Altes Kino" in Sohren!

The ones of You that won't approach, did not read this.

And what's not written in this news, you'll find in the LIVE section...

See y'all later!

On and on...

28.04.2009 goes, this time into Helvete in Oberhausen. We'll be there as guests with the following bands:

The next Gig...


...once again leads us into the magical depths of Hesse. This time for the Night Of Wrath II in the "Havanna" in Lautern, which lies in the mysterious Oden Forest.

We'll meet there, friends!

BLITZGIG March 28th 2009 [TOMORROW!]



We stepped in for some band so at tomorrow's saturday, March 28th, current year, we're gonna play in the JuZ (Die Mühle) in the city of Bad Kreuznach.
8pm doors, be there or be hair.

See You there!

Much carrot, less stick


... - at the moment - for You today. Not only that we can announce great progress in producing our first album FIRM - Them As Well (The Gate Part II), Dialogue and Firm are gonna be three of in total seven tracks -, we've also been given some new gig confirmations, like this one: 5 Jahre Delirium Merfelle 04 e.V on June 6th in Mörfelden with Eisregen and Debauchery.

Stay tuned to our news, for 2009 is utterly young und willing.

Thank You for listening!

Shed your skin...


..., because now we'e got new covering for your bareness:
From now on at every gig, for example in quite exactly one week at the "Home Game" live at the Teestube in Bad Kreuznach and also via E-Mail, of course.

The coming gig...


...takes us beyond our known geographical band traveling borders:

Tickets for the show are available HERE.

Heaven can wait...


..., work won't. So we're still working on our second release, which is going to be declared as our first album. And - this is new - we decided the name of the coming Loss Of Resistance album is going to be FIRM.

Further information will be given to you...maybe yes, maybe no...- blow a whistle here -

Thanks so far.

We are...


...currently in the studio again. During the next few weeks/months, you'll get to know more information about when and how we will publish the coming CD. Thank you for your patience and for your support, we hope to see you soon on one of the following concerts.



... for You - as for us - is certainly the most important thing in music. That is why we don't want You to miss one of our songs . Therefore we have set up a player under Media, so You'll also be always able to listen to our songs right here on our homepage.

Blitzgig on friday!


One minute ago we received a live affirmation for this week's friday:


More information at Live.

Extraterrestrial life...


...has nothing to do with the loss of some plants in a corn field near the city of Rheinböllen in the mountains of the Hunsrück, just following event, that we are allowed to play at on saturday, september the 6th, at 5:45 pm:


Come in flocks (for it is a corn field...)!

You'll find information (as always) in the section Live or connect directly to the homepage of the event Rock im Maisfeld.

Next Saturday...


...30th of August, we're going to play in Frankfurt with Disrupted, Dumpyourload and Affective Insanity. More information You'll find in the section Live. We're really looking forward to see You there.

The End has come...


...for You to get one of our last copies of Born Into The Cold as we will not reproduce the CD. Not half a year has passed and the 1000 copies are almost out. Of course you will still be able to listen and download the demo for free on our linked sites like or

No rest in summer...


...awaits us and You, for we have fortunately been invited to play at the following event: 13th of June 2008 at the Hatz Rock, Sports field Spabrücken. We're really looking forward to this gig and hope to see Y'all there. Of course, as usual, we will have a copy of our demo for everyone.

Gig cancelled!



We will try to get a new chance for a gig there to make up for the party soon.

Summer-Breeze-Open-Air 2008


Hey ho, dear friends.

If you wish to support us, then do us a favour and sing up to Rock Alarm - Rock challenge, there you can vote for us and our song
"The Gate (Part I)".

Voting will commence on MAY 14th until June 11th!
Send us to Summer-Breeze-Open-Air!

Thank you for your support!

Set the alarm!


Just to remind You: Our next live concert is going to be at this saturday's evening (April 26th, 2008). No fun. Cum a lot cough We are gonna hand out some demo CDs for free again.

LOR in the radio


Tonight, tuesday, april 8th, 8 pm, DJ Triple H will have his web radio show "Metal Massaker" on EoD-Radio
In this show, our music will be played tonight. Also this evening or during the show next tuesday, there will be a surprise. You will get more information directly by the DJ.
Link to EoD-Radio: EoD-Radio

The Awakening...


..., not only for us, now, that we have finished creating a whole new program with all new songs in the last 6 months, that you hopefully enjoy. No, that's also the name of the tour of the Dragonlords and Bodybag, on which we have the honour to attend the two bands at the gig in the city of Bad Kreuznach, next weekend, on May 12, 2007.

More information you'll find at LIVE. We're really looking forward to see You there.

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2007 from the whole Loss Of Resistance Team!

New guitarist


Finally we have a new guitarist! We welcome Frank to Loss Of Resistance. We'll post a followup shortly.



Since today, 29th of August 2006, our own Michael Lamberti, the lead guitar, has left the band because of personal reasons. Our best wishes to you and your future career, in music and in life!

New LoR T-Shirts available


Yes, we do have T-Shirts sized YL = 152, S, M, L und XL! You can get a t-shirt at any concert,
or plus additional mailing fees you can order it via mail from Eric!

Warning: You might want to get one size smaller, since the t-shirts are bigger than usual. Also, please notice that we currently only ship inside Germany.

Follow the skulled circle...


...first for a blow, summer has come, that means partytime and festivaltime. Of course, we will be with you! We have received the first confirmations...

More information about concerts and live appearances you'll find at LIVE...

Upcoming gig:

